Discover the Rich Taste of Barden Blue Cheese

Barden Blue cheese
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Indulge your taste buds in the exquisite flavors of Barden Blue cheese, an artisanal blue cheese that embodies the essence of gourmet cheese craftsmanship. Made locally by the renowned Consider Bardwell Farm in West Pawlet, Vermont, this cheese is a true gem in the world of artisanal cheeses.

With its creamy texture and tangy, salty, and slightly sweet flavor profile, Barden Blue cheese is a culinary masterpiece that is highly regarded by cheese connoisseurs. Its rich and complex flavors make it a perfect addition to any cheese tasting or gourmet recipe.

  • Tangy
  • Salty
  • Slightly sweet
  • Creamy

Whether savored on its own or paired with other ingredients, Barden Blue cheese brings a unique and memorable taste to every dish. Get ready to embark on a gastronomic journey with this exquisite local cheese.

The History of Consider Bardwell Farm

Consider Bardwell Farm, the producer of Barden Blue cheese, has a fascinating history rooted in the dairy farming tradition of Vermont. The farm was established in 2001 by Angela Miller and Russell Glover, two city slickers with a passion for farming and cheesemaking. They purchased 300 acres of farmland in Vermont and New York and discovered that their property was home to the first cheesemaking co-op in Vermont, which was started in 1864 by a blacksmith named Consider Bardwell. Inspired by this history, Miller and Glover decided to revive the cheesemaking tradition and create their own unique cheeses.

With the lush green landscapes of Vermont as their backdrop, Miller and Glover built a sustainable farm that honors the heritage of Consider Bardwell’s original co-op while embracing modern cheesemaking techniques.

The Legacy of Consider Bardwell

“Consider Bardwell was truly a pioneer in the world of cheesemaking. His vision and dedication laid the foundation for the thriving artisanal cheese community we have today. We are proud to carry forward his legacy and continue his tradition of crafting exceptional cheeses at Consider Bardwell Farm.”

– Angela Miller, Co-founder of Consider Bardwell Farm

Over the years, Consider Bardwell Farm has become renowned for its commitment to quality and sustainability. They raise a herd of dairy cows, ensuring a fresh and abundant supply of milk for their cheesemaking endeavors. The farm follows eco-friendly practices, prioritizing the well-being of their land, animals, and community.

Today, Consider Bardwell Farm is celebrated not only for their delicious Barden Blue cheese but also for their diverse range of artisanal cheeses. Their dedication to preserving the cheesemaking heritage of Vermont while pushing the boundaries of flavor and innovation has made them a favorite among cheese enthusiasts worldwide.

Consider Bardwell Farm

Consider Bardwell Farm, nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Vermont, holds a rich history and a commitment to crafting exceptional cheeses.

Established 2001
Location Vermont and New York
Cheese Heritage Home to the first cheesemaking co-op in Vermont, established in 1864 by Consider Bardwell
Founders Angela Miller and Russell Glover
Cheese Range Barden Blue and a diverse selection of artisanal cheeses
Philosophy Sustainable farming and eco-friendly practices

The Making of Barden Blue Cheese

Barden Blue cheese is crafted using traditional cheesemaking techniques that ensure its exceptional quality and distinct flavors. The process begins with the use of high-quality cow’s milk sourced from Consider Bardwell Farm’s very own herd. This ensures that only the finest milk is used as the base for the cheese, guaranteeing a rich and creamy texture.

Once the milk is collected, it undergoes a pasteurization process to ensure its safety and longevity. This step is crucial in preparing the milk for the next phase, where it will transform into the flavorful Barden Blue cheese.

After pasteurization, the milk is inoculated with a carefully curated blend of blue mold cultures. These cultures are responsible for the development of those beautiful blue veins that define the cheese. They infuse the cheese with its distinctive tangy and slightly sweet taste, adding complexity and character.

Following inoculation, the cheese is salted and molded into its desired shape. The expertise and meticulousness of the cheesemakers are essential in forming the perfect wheel or wedge of Barden Blue cheese.

One of the most critical stages in the cheesemaking process is aging. This is where the cheese matures and develops its rich, earthy flavor profile. Consider Bardwell Farm boasts cheese caves specially designed for aging their artisanal cheeses, including Barden Blue cheese. These caves provide the ideal temperature and humidity conditions needed for the cheese to age gracefully.

During the aging process, which typically spans several weeks, the cheese undergoes a transformation. The cheese caves envelop it with their unique microclimate, allowing the flavors to develop and intensify. The result is a cheese that has a creamy texture with a rich, earthy taste, complemented by the distinct blue veins throughout.

The commitment to traditional cheesemaking methods, coupled with the careful aging process in cheese caves, is what sets Barden Blue cheese apart. It is a true testament to the passion and dedication of the cheesemakers at Consider Bardwell Farm.

cheese caves

Aging Time Texture Flavor Profile
4 weeks Creamy Subtle tang with hints of sweetness
8 weeks Smooth and velvety Rich, earthy undertones with a pronounced tang
12 weeks Buttery and crumbly Robust and complex, with a full-bodied tang and nutty undertones
16 weeks Firm and crumbly Intensely tangy with a pronounced earthy flavor

The Flavor Profile of Barden Blue Cheese

Barden Blue cheese offers a delightful combination of flavors. It has a tangy and slightly salty taste, balanced by hints of sweetness. The cheese has a creamy texture that melts in the mouth, leaving a luscious and satisfying finish. The aging process brings out earthy undertones, giving the cheese a depth of flavor that is highly sought after by cheese connoisseurs. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with other ingredients, Barden Blue cheese brings a unique and memorable taste to any dish.

Pairing Barden Blue Cheese

Barden Blue cheese pairs exceptionally well with a variety of accompaniments. When it comes to cheese pairing, the tangy and creamy flavors of Barden Blue cheese are enhanced by contrasting flavors or complementary ingredients. Enjoying this blue cheese with different accompaniments can elevate your taste experience to new heights.

Wine Pairings

Pairing Barden Blue cheese with the right wine can create a harmonious balance of flavors. For those who enjoy red wine, opt for a bold and robust Cabernet Sauvignon. The rich berry and tannic notes of the wine complement the tangy and salty flavors of the blue cheese. If you have a preference for sweeter wines, try a late harvest Riesling. The honeyed sweetness and vibrant acidity of the wine beautifully contrast with the tanginess of the cheese.

Fruit Pairings

Adding sliced pears, figs, or honey alongside Barden Blue cheese can provide a touch of natural sweetness that harmonizes with its tangy and creamy flavors. The juicy sweetness of ripe pears or the luscious indulgence of figs enhance the flavor profile of the cheese, creating a delightful combination for your taste buds. A drizzle of honey over the cheese adds a luxurious element, balancing the richness with a touch of sweetness.

Nut and Bread Pairings

For added texture and crunch, consider serving Barden Blue cheese with walnuts or crusty bread. The nuttiness of walnuts complements the smooth creaminess of the cheese, creating a delightful textural contrast. Additionally, serving the cheese with crusty bread allows for different tastes and textures to be experienced, enhancing the overall enjoyment of the combination.

Pairing Ingredients Description
Wine Pairing Cabernet Sauvignon A bold and robust red wine that enhances the tangy and salty flavors of Barden Blue cheese.
Wine Pairing Late harvest Riesling A sweet dessert wine with honeyed sweetness and vibrant acidity that balances the tanginess of the cheese.
Fruit Pairing Sliced pears The natural sweetness of ripe pears complements the tangy and creamy flavors of the blue cheese.
Fruit Pairing Figs Luscious figs enhance the flavor profile of the cheese, providing a delightful combination.
Fruit Pairing Honey A drizzle of honey adds a luxurious touch of sweetness that balances the richness of the cheese.
Nut and Bread Pairing Walnuts The nuttiness of walnuts provides a delightful textural contrast to the smooth creaminess of the cheese.
Nut and Bread Pairing Crusty bread Serving the cheese with crusty bread allows for different tastes and textures, enhancing the overall enjoyment.

Experiment with these pairings to discover your favorite combination. Whether you’re hosting a wine and cheese night or simply indulging in a cheese platter, exploring the diverse flavors of Barden Blue cheese with complementary ingredients will elevate your culinary experience.

Cheese Pairing with Barden Blue Cheese

The Prestige of Barden Blue Cheese

Barden Blue cheese has received recognition and accolades from the cheese industry. Consider Bardwell Farm, the renowned producer of Barden Blue cheese, has been the recipient of numerous awards and honors, solidifying their status as a premier cheese producer.

Consider Bardwell Farm’s commitment to excellence in cheesemaking has been recognized by the prestigious American Cheese Society. Their dedication to crafting exceptional cheeses has garnered them medals and ribbons at various competitions, including the highly acclaimed American Cheese Society Competition.

“The recognition and awards we have received for our cheeses, including Barden Blue, from the American Cheese Society highlight our unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship.” – Angela Miller, Co-founder of Consider Bardwell Farm

In addition to industry recognition, Consider Bardwell Farm was honored with the title of “Vermont Sustainable Farm of the Year” by the Vermont Sustainable Agriculture Council in 2013. This esteemed accolade celebrates their dedication to sustainable farming practices, further solidifying their reputation as a leader in the agricultural community.

Awards and Recognitions Year
American Cheese Society Competition Multiple years
Vermont Sustainable Farm of the Year 2013

The Impact of Consider Bardwell Farm

Consider Bardwell Farm has made a significant positive impact on the local community of West Pawlet, Vermont. Through its commitment to sustainable farming practices and artisanal cheese production, the farm has become a catalyst for job creation and economic revitalization in the area.

Job Creation

Consider Bardwell Farm has created valuable job opportunities for the residents of West Pawlet. With a workforce of over 20 people, the farm provides employment and supports local livelihoods. By offering stable and fulfilling jobs, the farm contributes to the well-being of individuals and their families while fostering a sense of community.

Economic Revitalization

The presence of Consider Bardwell Farm has had a ripple effect on the local economy. By attracting visitors and cheese enthusiasts, the farm has brought increased footfall to the area. This influx of visitors has not only supported the farm’s own business but also generated revenue for other local businesses, such as restaurants, bed and breakfasts, and shops. The economic revitalization has breathed new life into the community, boosting prosperity and growth.

Community Engagement

Consider Bardwell Farm has become more than just a cheese producer; it has become a community hub and a gathering place for local residents. The farm hosts events such as potluck dinners, where neighbors come together to share food and stories. These events foster a sense of belonging and strengthen community bonds, creating a vibrant and tight-knit social fabric.

“Consider Bardwell Farm embodies the spirit of community engagement and has become an integral part of the social fabric of West Pawlet.”

Furthermore, the farm actively supports local initiatives, such as the school generator fund, demonstrating its commitment to improving and investing in the well-being of the community. Through its various engagements, Consider Bardwell Farm has become a cornerstone of the social, cultural, and economic life of West Pawlet.

economic revitalization

Impact Description
Job Creation Consider Bardwell Farm has created over 20 jobs for local residents.
Economic Revitalization The farm’s presence attracts visitors, generating revenue for local businesses and stimulating economic growth.
Community Engagement Consider Bardwell Farm hosts community events and supports local initiatives, fostering a strong sense of community.

Consider Bardwell Farm’s commitment to community, job creation, and economic revitalization exemplifies the positive impact that a sustainable and community-focused business can have on a local area. By combining artisanal cheesemaking with a dedication to their community, Consider Bardwell Farm has not only produced exceptional cheeses but also transformed the landscape of West Pawlet, Vermont.


Barden Blue cheese, produced by Consider Bardwell Farm, is a true gem in the world of artisanal cheeses. Made with care and passion, this blue cheese offers a rich and complex flavor profile that is highly regarded by cheese enthusiasts and experts.

Consider Bardwell Farm’s commitment to sustainable farming practices and community engagement further adds to the prestige of Barden Blue cheese. By prioritizing ethical and environmentally friendly methods, the farm ensures that each wheel of cheese embodies the values of craftsmanship and quality.

Whether enjoyed on its own or incorporated into recipes, Barden Blue cheese is a culinary delight that showcases the artistry and dedication of American cheesemaking. Its tangy and creamy flavors, along with its unique blue veining, make it a standout choice for cheese connoisseurs and food lovers alike.


What is Barden Blue cheese?

Barden Blue cheese is an artisanal blue cheese known for its rich flavor and unique characteristics. It is a local cheese made by the Consider Bardwell Farm in West Pawlet, Vermont.

How is Barden Blue cheese made?

Barden Blue cheese is made using traditional cheesemaking techniques. It starts with high-quality cow’s milk from the farm’s own herd, which is pasteurized and inoculated with a special blend of blue mold cultures. After salting and molding, the cheese is aged in the farm’s cheese caves for several weeks.

What does Barden Blue cheese taste like?

Barden Blue cheese has a tangy, salty, and slightly sweet flavor profile. It has a creamy texture that melts in the mouth and develops a rich, earthy flavor during the aging process.

How should I pair Barden Blue cheese?

Barden Blue cheese pairs well with bold red wines like Cabernet Sauvignon or sweet dessert wines like a late harvest Riesling. It can also be enjoyed with sliced pears, figs, honey, walnuts, or crusty bread for added texture and flavor.

Has Barden Blue cheese received any awards?

Yes, Consider Bardwell Farm, the producer of Barden Blue cheese, has been awarded various medals and ribbons for their cheeses at competitions, including the American Cheese Society Competition. The farm itself was also named “Vermont Sustainable Farm of the Year” by the Vermont Sustainable Agriculture Council.

What impact has Consider Bardwell Farm had on the local community?

Consider Bardwell Farm has created job opportunities for local residents, employing more than 20 people. Their presence has also stimulated economic revitalization in the area, attracting visitors and generating revenue for other businesses. The farm has become a community hub, hosting events and supporting local initiatives.

Is Barden Blue cheese an artisanal cheese?

Yes, Barden Blue cheese is an artisanal cheese made with care and passion by Consider Bardwell Farm. Its craftsmanship and unique flavors set it apart in the world of gourmet cheeses.

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