Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes Recipe – A Cheesy Delight

Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes Recipe
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Are you craving a dish that combines the irresistible flavors of garlic, Parmesan cheese, and crispy potatoes? Look no further! We have the perfect recipe for you – Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes. This easy-to-make dish will impress your taste buds with its delicious combination of flavors and textures.

By arranging the potatoes accordion-style, like Hasselback roasted potatoes, you get an ultra-crispy top with a creamy, tender center. Tossing the potato slices with cream and cheese ensures even distribution and perfect texture.

The Hasselback potato trend went viral in 2011 and has since become a popular dish. However, traditional Hasselback potatoes often lack the desired moist interior and crispy edges. This led to the creation of a new variation – the Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes.

The recipe combines the best elements of a baked potato and a roasted potato chunk, resulting in a flavorful, crispy, and cheesy delight. The potatoes are thinly sliced and coated in a mixture of cream, Gruyère or Comté cheese, Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, thyme leaves, garlic, salt, and pepper.

The slices are then arranged in a baking dish, stood on their edges, and tightly packed to create crispy edges and a creamy interior. The excess cream and cheese mixture is poured over the potatoes to ensure a moist and flavorful result.

The dish is baked covered with foil to steam the potatoes until tender, then uncovered to allow browning and further crisping of the top. The addition of cheese halfway through the cooking process adds extra flavor. The end result is a glorious combination of crispy ridges, rich and creamy potatoes, and melted cheesy goodness.

Don’t miss out on experiencing the mouthwatering flavors of these delicious Hasselback potatoes with garlic Parmesan. Try our easy Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes recipe today!

The Hasselback Potato Technique – From Stockholm to the Oven

The technique of Hasselback potatoes originated from the Hasselbacken restaurant in Stockholm in the 18th century. It involves slicing potatoes at regular intervals almost all the way through, then separating the ridges and adding butter or oil. The potatoes are baked until they become crisp and creamy, creating a visually appealing and delicious dish.

While traditional Hasselback potatoes have their own unique appeal, they often fall short in terms of moisture and crispiness. That’s where the Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes recipe comes in. This recipe takes the concept of Hasselback potatoes to the extreme, addressing the drawbacks and enhancing the flavors.

In the Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes recipe, the potatoes are thinly sliced and stacked together, allowing for more surface area and better crisping. Instead of stacking the potatoes horizontally like the traditional method, they are arranged in a baking dish vertically, standing on their edges. This innovative technique creates numerous crispy ridges and nubby bits that crisp up during baking, resulting in a delightful texture.

To enhance the flavor, the potatoes are coated with a cream and cheese mixture. This not only ensures a moist interior but also adds a savory element to the dish. The excess cream is poured over the potatoes to keep them moist during baking, creating a creamy texture that perfectly complements the crispy exterior.

The cooking process involves two stages. First, the gratin is baked covered in foil to steam the potatoes until tender, allowing them to absorb the flavors. Then, the foil is removed to expose the potatoes and allow them to dry and brown, resulting in additional crispiness and texture. To add an extra layer of indulgence, cheese is sprinkled on top halfway through the cooking time, infusing the dish with even more flavor.

When prepared using the Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes recipe, you’ll be delighted with a flavorful and visually stunning dish that combines the best elements of texture, moisture, and taste. Whether you’re serving these savory garlic Parmesan Hasselback potatoes as a side dish or a main course, they are sure to impress your taste buds and elevate any meal to a whole new level. Get ready to experience the irresistible charm of these tasty garlic Parmesan Hasselback potatoes!

Hasselback potatoes with garlic and Parmesan

Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes

To achieve the best results when making oven-baked garlic Parmesan Hasselback potatoes, follow a few important tips and tricks. First, make sure to choose the right type of potato for this flavorful dish. An all-rounder or starchy potato works best as it offers the ideal texture and taste.

When slicing the potatoes, aim for thin cuts at a slight angle to prevent cutting all the way through. For easy and precise slicing, use metal skewers placed on either side of the potato as guides. This way, you can ensure perfectly sliced potatoes without any accidental mishaps.

Coating the potato slices with the cream and cheese mixture is a key step. Take your time to make sure that each slice is fully coated on all sides. This prevents the slices from sticking together and guarantees even cooking throughout.

Arrange the potatoes tightly in a greased baking dish, standing them on their edges. This not only creates a stunning presentation but also allows for the formation of plenty of crispy little nubby bits. The result is a texture that combines creamy softness with a satisfying crunch.

For oven-baked garlic Parmesan Hasselback potatoes that are bursting with flavor, pour the excess cream mixture over the potatoes before baking. This helps keep the potatoes moist and tender while infusing them with the rich, cheesy goodness of Parmesan.

The two-stage cooking process is essential for achieving the perfect texture. Start by baking the potatoes covered with foil to allow them to steam and become tender. Then, continue baking them uncovered to enhance browning and crispiness. For an extra burst of flavor, add an additional layer of cheese halfway through the cooking time.

By following these simple tips and tricks, you’ll be able to create a mouthwatering dish of cheesy garlic Parmesan Hasselback potatoes. Enjoy the crispy ridges, creamy center, and irresistible flavors that make this recipe so special!


What makes Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes different from traditional Hasselback potatoes?

Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes combine the best elements of a baked potato and a roasted potato chunk. They have a crispy exterior, thanks to the accordion-like slicing technique, and a creamy, flavorful interior enhanced by the addition of garlic and Parmesan cheese.

How do you achieve the crispy ridges and creamy center in Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes?

To achieve the perfect texture, the potatoes are sliced thinly and arranged tightly in a baking dish, standing on their edges. They are then coated with a mixture of cream, Gruyère or Comté cheese, Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, thyme leaves, garlic, salt, and pepper. The excess cream and cheese mixture is poured over the potatoes to keep them moist during baking. The two-stage cooking process involves baking covered with foil to steam the potatoes until tender, then baking uncovered to brown and crisp them.

What type of potato is best for making Garlic Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes?

An all-rounder or starchy potato works best for this recipe. Examples include Russet, Yukon Gold, or Idaho potatoes. These varieties are known for their creamy texture and ability to hold their shape while baking.

Can I use a different cheese instead of the recommended Gruyère or Comté cheese?

Yes, you can substitute Gruyère or Comté cheese with other cheeses that melt well and have a good flavor. Some alternatives include cheddar, mozzarella, fontina, or Monterey Jack cheese. Choose a cheese that you enjoy and pairs well with the flavors of garlic and Parmesan.

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