Savor the Richness of Double Worcester Cheese

Double Worcester Cheese
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Welcome to the world of cheese connoisseurs! If you’re a fan of aged cheddar, specialty cheese, and artisan creations, then Double Worcester Cheese is a must-try for you. Made by the esteemed Taw Valley Creamery, this gourmet cheese offers a rich and creamy flavor that will delight your taste buds.

Double Worcester Cheese is a hard, artisan cheese that is meticulously crafted from pasteurized or unpasteurized cow’s milk. Its crumbly, dense texture and smooth finish make it a standout among cheese varieties.

With its golden yellow color and creamy, mellow, nutty flavor, Double Worcester Cheese is the perfect choice for those who appreciate premium cheeses. Whether you’re hosting a cheese tasting or looking for a new addition to your cheese recipes, Double Worcester Cheese will elevate your dining experience.

Explore the world of Double Worcester Cheese and indulge in its richness. Discover its history, characteristics, and pairing options that will take your cheese appreciation to new heights. Whether enjoyed on its own or as an ingredient in your favorite dishes, Double Worcester Cheese is a true delicacy that won’t disappoint.

The History of Double Worcester Cheese

Double Worcester Cheese has a rich history that dates back to 1498 in the city of Gloucester, England. This traditional cheese is made from the milk of Old Gloucester cows, creating a unique and distinct flavor profile. Produced by the renowned Taw Valley Creamery, Double Worcester Cheese is crafted with care and expertise, ensuring a high-quality artisan cheese that cheese connoisseurs can truly savor.

Made using full-fat milk, Double Worcester Cheese offers a richness and creaminess that sets it apart from other cheeses. Its full-bodied flavor and smooth texture make it a favorite among cheese lovers worldwide.

“Double Worcester Cheese is a testament to the rich cheese-making traditions of Gloucester, England. Its origins can be traced back centuries, making it a truly iconic cheese in the region.”

The Richness of Gloucester, England

Gloucester, located in the picturesque county of Gloucestershire, is a region renowned for its dairy heritage. With lush green pastures and a long-standing tradition of cheese-making, Gloucester provides the perfect setting for producing exceptional cheeses like Double Worcester.

The Taw Valley Creamery, nestled in this idyllic countryside, embraces traditional cheese-making methods passed down through generations. Their commitment to preserving the authentic flavors and techniques of Gloucester has made Double Worcester Cheese a beloved favorite among cheese enthusiasts.

Producing Excellence at Taw Valley Creamery

Taw Valley Creamery, recognized as a leading producer of fine cheeses, has been crafting Double Worcester Cheese for decades. Their expertise and dedication ensure the cheese’s exceptional quality and taste with every batch.

At the creamery, the cheese-making process begins with carefully selected, high-quality milk from local farms. The milk is then transformed into curds, which are pressed and aged to achieve the distinct flavors and textures that Double Worcester Cheese is known for. The aging process allows the cheese to develop its rich, nutty notes, creating a cheese that is full of character and complexity.

Milk Type Inception Year Producer
Full Fat 1498 Taw Valley Creamery
Skimmed Milk 1498 Taw Valley Creamery

Each Double Worcester Cheese wheel is expertly aged, allowing the flavors to develop and intensify. The result is a cheese that perfectly balances the richness of full-fat milk with the boldness of traditional cheese-making techniques. With its time-honored heritage and commitment to quality, Taw Valley Creamery continues to produce an exceptional Double Worcester Cheese that delights cheese aficionados around the world.

Double Worcester Cheese

The Characteristics of Double Worcester Cheese

Double Worcester Cheese is a standout cheese with its smooth and buttery texture. It offers a rich and nutty flavor that is complemented by a creamy mouthfeel.

The cheese stands out not only in taste but also in appearance. It has an enticing apricot color, thanks to the addition of annatto plant extract. The firm and flaky texture of Double Worcester Cheese adds to its visual appeal.

One of the distinctive features of Double Worcester Cheese is that it is made with vegetarian rennet. This makes it a perfect choice for vegetarians who prefer cheese made without animal-based rennet.

This versatile cheese can be enjoyed in various ways. It is delicious when savored on its own, or it can enhance the flavors of different recipes, adding depth and richness.

Enjoy the Smooth and Buttery Texture

Double Worcester Cheese tantalizes the taste buds with its smooth and buttery texture. Each bite melts effortlessly on your palate, providing a delightful experience.

A Flavorful Journey

“The rich and nutty flavor of Double Worcester Cheese takes your taste buds on a flavorful journey. Its distinct taste profile is a harmonious combination of savory and creamy notes.”

Apricot Hue and Vegetarian Rennet

With its apricot-colored hue, Double Worcester Cheese is a feast for the eyes. The addition of annatto plant extract gives it a warm and inviting appearance.

What sets Double Worcester Cheese apart is that it is crafted with vegetarian rennet. This ensures that cheese lovers with dietary preferences can enjoy its delectable flavors guilt-free.

Characteristics Description
Texture Smooth and buttery
Flavor Rich and nutty
Appearance Apricot-colored with a firm and flaky texture
Rennet Vegetarian

Double Worcester Cheese

Pairing Double Worcester Cheese

Double Worcester Cheese, with its rich and nutty flavors, is the perfect complement to a range of beverages. Whether you prefer a classic British experience or a glass of red wine, this artisan cheese offers versatile pairing options that will tantalize your taste buds.

Pairing with British Ale

For a truly authentic taste, pair Double Worcester Cheese with a traditional British ale. The smooth and savory notes of the cheese beautifully harmonize with the rich and malty flavors of a well-crafted ale. The combination is reminiscent of the deep-rooted culinary traditions of Britain, creating a delightful experience for your palate.

Pairing with Syrah

If you prefer wine, a red like Syrah is an excellent choice to accompany Double Worcester Cheese. The robust and complex flavors of Syrah perfectly complement the rich and nutty characteristics of the cheese. The boldness of the wine enhances the cheese’s depth, creating a delightful contrast that will leave a lasting impression.

Whether you opt for a British ale or a glass of Syrah, the pairing of Double Worcester Cheese with these beverages is a match made in culinary heaven. The flavors intertwine, creating a sensory symphony that will elevate your tasting experience.

Beverage Flavor Profile
British Ale Rich, malty, and smooth
Syrah Robust, complex, and bold

Other Varieties of English Cheeses

In addition to Double Worcester Cheese, England offers a wide range of delicious cheeses. From hard cheeses to soft and fresh options, there is something to suit every cheese lover’s palate. Here are some popular English cheeses that you must try:


Cheddar cheese is one of the most well-known and versatile cheeses in England. It is a hard cheese that has a smooth, creamy texture and a rich, tangy flavor. Cheddar comes in various forms, including mild, mature, and extra mature, allowing you to find the perfect level of sharpness for your taste.


Stilton is a classic blue cheese from England. It is known for its distinctive blue veins and crumbly texture. Stilton has a bold and creamy flavor, with hints of nuttiness. This cheese pairs beautifully with fruits, nuts, and even a glass of port wine.


Cheshire cheese is a traditional English cheese with a crumbly and moist texture. It has a mild, salty, and slightly tangy flavor. Cheshire is often enjoyed on its own or used in cooking, adding a delicious depth of flavor to dishes like savory pies and cheese sauces.


Wensleydale cheese is a semi-hard, creamy cheese that originated in the Wensleydale area of Yorkshire. It is light, fresh, and slightly sweet, with a smooth and supple texture. Wensleydale pairs wonderfully with fruits, making it a delightful addition to a cheese platter or dessert course.

Fresh Soft Cheeses

England is also home to a variety of fresh soft cheeses. These cheeses are often young and unaged, offering a mild and delicate flavor profile. Some popular examples include goat’s cheese, cottage cheese, and cream cheese. Fresh soft cheeses are versatile ingredients that can be spread on crackers, used in salads, or incorporated into recipes for a creamy, tangy twist.

Next, let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of these English cheeses and explore their unique flavors and textures.

Fixing Over-Seasoned Dishes with Double Worcester Cheese

Double Worcester Cheese can be your secret weapon when it comes to rescuing over-seasoned dishes. Whether the flavors are too salty, sweet, spicy, or acidic, this versatile cheese can help you find the perfect balance. Let’s explore how you can use Double Worcester Cheese to fix those flavor mishaps and elevate your culinary creations.

Fixing Salty Dishes

If your dish is too salty, fear not! Adding a touch of acid can help counteract the saltiness. Consider squeezing fresh lemon juice or adding a splash of vinegar to your recipe. The acid will help balance out the flavors and bring a refreshing tang to the dish.

Fixing Sweet Dishes

When a dish leans too heavily on the sweet side, adding acid or other seasonings can provide the necessary contrast. Think about incorporating ingredients like lemon juice, herbs, or cayenne pepper to create a complex flavor profile. Double Worcester Cheese, with its nutty and rich taste, can enhance these contrasting flavors and add a delightful savory element to your dish.

Fixing Spicy or Acidic Dishes

If your dish is overly spicy or acidic, adding a touch of fat and sweetness can help mellow out the flavors. Consider incorporating butter or olive oil to add a creamy richness to the dish. Additionally, a sweetener like honey or maple syrup can help balance the spiciness or acidity. Double Worcester Cheese can lend its creamy texture and subtle sweetness to bring harmony to these dishes.

Remember, the key to fixing over-seasoned dishes is all about balance. Experiment with small additions of acid, fat, or sweetener, and let Double Worcester Cheese be your secret ingredient to achieving flavor harmony.

Fixing Over-Seasoned Dishes with Double Worcester Cheese

Flavor Issue Solution
Too Salty Add a touch of acid like lemon juice or vinegar
Too Sweet Incorporate acid or seasonings like lemon juice, herbs, or cayenne pepper
Too Spicy or Acidic Add a fat like butter or olive oil, along with a sweetener

Serving Suggestions for Double Worcester Cheese

Double Worcester Cheese offers a delightful culinary experience with its rich flavors and smooth texture. Here are some serving suggestions to explore the versatility of this artisan cheese:

1. Cheese Platter

Create an exquisite cheese platter featuring Double Worcester Cheese to elevate any gathering or cheese tasting experience. Pair it with a selection of complementary cheeses, such as aged cheddar and Stilton. Include a variety of accompaniments like crackers, grapes, and honey to enhance the flavors.

2. Gourmet Recipes

Double Worcester Cheese can take your culinary creations to the next level. Try incorporating it into recipes like:

Mac and Cheese: Add grated Double Worcester Cheese to your favorite mac and cheese recipe for an indulgent and flavorful twist.

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches: Elevate a classic grilled cheese sandwich by using Double Worcester Cheese as the star ingredient. Pair it with caramelized onions or sliced apples for added depth of flavor.

Cheese Soufflés: Impress your guests with a light and fluffy cheese soufflé made with the nutty and creamy Double Worcester Cheese.

3. Visit a Cheese Shop

Exploring a cheese shop is a great way to discover new flavors and expand your cheese knowledge. Visit a specialty cheese shop in your area to find Double Worcester Cheese and speak with knowledgeable staff who can recommend other artisan cheeses or offer pairing suggestions.

Now that you have some serving suggestions, let your creativity soar and indulge in the rich and sophisticated flavors of Double Worcester Cheese.

Double Worcester Cheese

Recipe Description
Mac and Cheese A classic comfort dish with a gourmet twist. Creamy, cheesy, and packed with flavor.
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches A crispy and melty sandwich featuring Double Worcester Cheese as the star ingredient.
Cheese Soufflés An elegant and light dish with a fluffy texture and rich cheese flavor.


Indulge your taste buds with the exquisite flavors of Double Worcester Cheese. This gourmet, artisan cheese is a true delight for cheese connoisseurs, offering a smooth texture, nutty taste, and a distinctive appearance. Whether you savor it on its own or incorporate it into your favorite recipes, Double Worcester Cheese guarantees a premium culinary experience that will leave you wanting more.

With its rich and creamy profile, Double Worcester Cheese stands out among the wide range of cheese varieties available in the market. Its handcrafted nature and attention to detail ensure exceptional quality and flavor. Whether you are hosting a sophisticated cheese tasting or searching for the perfect addition to your cheese platter, Double Worcester Cheese is a must-have gourmet cheese that will impress even the most discerning palates.

Unleash your creativity in the kitchen and explore the endless possibilities with Double Worcester Cheese. Whether you’re making a delectable mac and cheese, a gooey grilled cheese sandwich, or a fluffy cheese soufflé, this artisan cheese will elevate your dishes to new heights. With its complexity of flavors and versatility, Double Worcester Cheese is a culinary gem that adds a touch of elegance to any recipe.


What is Double Worcester Cheese?

Double Worcester Cheese is a hard, artisan cheese made from pasteurized or unpasteurized cow’s milk. It has a crumbly, dense, and firm texture, with a smooth finish. The cheese has a golden yellow color and offers a creamy, mellow, and nutty flavor. Made by Taw Valley Creamery, it is a vegetarian cheese and is aged for at least 4 months.

What is the history of Double Worcester Cheese?

Double Worcester Cheese has a rich history that dates back to 1498 in the City of Gloucester, England. It is a traditional cheese made from the milk of Old Gloucester cows. The cheese comes in two varieties, with Double Worcester using full fat milk and Single Gloucester using skimmed milk. Taw Valley Creamery is the producer of this renowned artisan cheese.

What are the characteristics of Double Worcester Cheese?

Double Worcester Cheese stands out with its smooth and buttery texture. It has a rich and nutty flavor that is complemented by a creamy mouthfeel. The cheese has an apricot color, thanks to the addition of annatto plant extract. Double Worcester Cheese is made with vegetarian rennet and is known for its firm and flaky appearance.

What pairs well with Double Worcester Cheese?

Double Worcester Cheese pairs well with a range of beverages. For a classic British experience, it can be enjoyed with a traditional British ale. Alternatively, a red wine like Syrah complements the rich and nutty flavors of the cheese. The complex taste profile of Double Worcester Cheese makes it a versatile pairing option.

What other varieties of English cheeses are available?

In addition to Double Worcester Cheese, England offers a variety of other delicious cheeses. Some popular options include Cheddar, Stilton, Cheshire, and Wensleydale. These cheeses come in different textures and flavors, ranging from hard cheeses to soft and fresh options. Each variety of English cheese brings its own unique characteristics and taste, adding diversity to the cheese landscape.

How can Double Worcester Cheese fix over-seasoned dishes?

Double Worcester Cheese can be a helpful ingredient when it comes to fixing over-seasoned dishes. If a dish is too salty, adding a touch of acid like lemon juice or vinegar can help balance the flavors. For a dish that is too sweet, an acid or seasonings like lemon juice, herbs, or cayenne can provide the needed contrast. If the dish is too spicy or acidic, adding a fat like butter or olive oil, along with a sweetener, can help mellow out the flavors. Double Worcester Cheese can be incorporated into these fixes to enhance the overall taste.

How can Double Worcester Cheese be enjoyed?

Double Worcester Cheese can be enjoyed in various ways. It can be served on a cheese platter as part of a cheese tasting experience. Additionally, it can be used in recipes such as mac and cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, or cheese soufflés. Whether you’re visiting a cheese shop or preparing a gourmet meal at home, Double Worcester Cheese adds sophistication and richness to any dish.

Is Double Worcester Cheese worth trying?

Double Worcester Cheese is a must-try for cheese aficionados who appreciate the rich and creamy flavors of artisan, gourmet cheeses. Its smooth texture, nutty taste, and distinctive appearance make it a standout among cheese varieties. Whether enjoyed on its own or used in recipes, Double Worcester Cheese is sure to satisfy the palates of cheese lovers seeking a premium experience.

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