Discover Brânză de Burduf Cheese – Romanian Delight

Brânză de Burduf Cheese
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Welcome to the world of Romanian cheese, where tradition and gastronomy collide to create a culinary experience like no other. One cheese that stands out among the rest is the exquisite Brânză de Burduf Cheese. Made from sheep’s milk and aged to perfection, this artisanal and gourmet cheese is a true Romanian delicacy.

Brânză de Burduf Cheese, also known as Romanian cheese, is a beloved treasure that showcases the rich cheese-making heritage of Romania. It is made from the highest quality unpasteurized sheep’s milk, ensuring an authentic and robust flavor that cheese connoisseurs adore.

What sets Brânză de Burduf Cheese apart is its aging process, where it is aged inside the animal’s stomach or tubes made from fir bark. This unique method imparts a distinct salty taste and a creamy texture, making it a true gourmet delight. The cheese lovers from all over the world are captivated by its exceptional flavor profile.

Whether you’re a fan of traditional cheeses or simply looking to embark on a culinary adventure, Brânză de Burduf Cheese is a must-try. Its rich, creamy, and salty taste will transport you to the picturesque landscapes of Romania, where cheese-making has been perfected over generations.

Prepare to indulge in the flavors of authentic Romanian cuisine with Brânză de Burduf Cheese. This aged cheese is not only a gastronomic delight but also a cultural experience. Explore the distinct flavors of Romanian cheese and savor the artistry behind this delectable tradition.

The Variety of Romanian Cheeses

Romania boasts a wide selection of traditional cheeses, each with its own unique characteristics, flavors, and culinary applications. Let’s explore some of the most beloved Romanian cheeses:

1. Telemea

Telemea is a popular Romanian cheese that comes in various varieties, including sheep milk telemea, cow milk telemea, goat milk telemea, and even buffalo milk telemea. This fresh cheese has a crumbly texture and a delightful salty taste, reminiscent of feta cheese. It is a versatile cheese that can be enjoyed on its own or used in a variety of traditional Romanian recipes.

2. Branza de Burduf

Branza de Burduf is a uniquely Romanian cheese made from unpasteurized sheep’s milk. This aged cheese is matured inside the animal’s stomach or tubes made from fir bark, infusing it with a distinct woody and spicy aroma. It has a creamy texture and a salty flavor, and is typically eaten by spooning out the cheese from its packaging.

3. Cascaval

Cascaval is a Romanian aged cheese that can be made from either sheep or cow milk. This semi-hard cheese has a smooth texture and a nutty taste. It is often compared to cheddar cheese, but with its own unique flavor profile. Cascaval is a versatile cheese that can be used in a variety of dishes, including fried cheese due to its high melting point. Smoked cascaval, with its golden color and braided appearance, is a local specialty.

4. Cas

Cas is a young and soft Romanian cheese that offers a mild taste. It is a fresh cheese that is enjoyed for its delicate flavor and creamy texture. Whether enjoyed on its own or incorporated into various dishes, Cas cheese adds a delightful touch to any culinary creation.

5. Urda

Urda is a fresh cheese similar to Italian ricotta. It is made from whey and is widely used in traditional Romanian desserts. Urda cheese has a smooth and creamy texture, making it perfect for fillings and toppings in sweet treats.

6. Branza de Vaci

Branza de Vaci, also known as cottage cheese, is a dry and crumbly cheese that is often used in a variety of Romanian desserts. This fresh cheese has a mild taste and adds a delightful texture to desserts such as pancakes, pies, and pastries.

Romanian Cheeses

Discover the diverse and delicious range of Romanian cheeses, from the rich and aged Branza de Burduf to the creamy and versatile Telemea. Whether used in traditional Romanian recipes or enjoyed on its own, these cheeses showcase the country’s rich cheese-making heritage and offer a truly authentic culinary experience.

Cheese Description
Telemea A versatile fresh cheese with a crumbly texture and salty taste.
Branza de Burduf An aged cheese made from unpasteurized sheep’s milk with a creamy texture and a woody, spicy aroma.
Cascaval A semi-hard cheese with a smooth texture and a nutty flavor, available in both sheep and cow milk variants.
Cas A young and soft cheese with a mild taste, perfect for various culinary applications.
Urda A fresh cheese similar to ricotta, commonly used in traditional Romanian desserts.
Branza de Vaci A dry and crumbly cheese often used in Romanian desserts, adding a mild flavor and unique texture.

Telemea Cheese – A Romanian Favorite

Telemea is a beloved cheese in Romania, known for its delicious flavor and versatility. Made from various types of milk, including sheep, cow, goat, and buffalo, Telemea cheese offers a delightful experience for cheese enthusiasts. With its salty taste and crumbly texture, similar to feta cheese, Telemea is perfect for both indulging on its own or incorporating into traditional Romanian recipes.

Telemea cheese plays a prominent role in many traditional Romanian dishes, adding a rich and creamy element to the culinary creations. Whether it’s used in cheese pies, pancakes with cheese and dill, or other traditional recipes, Telemea cheese enhances the flavors and creates a delightful harmony of tastes.

You can easily find Telemea cheese in supermarkets, making it accessible to anyone with a craving for its unique flavor. However, for the best quality and an authentic experience, it’s recommended to visit local producers and farmers markets in Romania. These sources offer Telemea cheese that is crafted with care and passion, providing a true taste of Romanian culinary tradition.

Indulge in the flavors of Telemea cheese and explore the exciting world of traditional Romanian recipes. Let this beloved cheese transport you to the heart of Romania’s vibrant food culture and discover the joy of culinary delights.

Telemea Cheese Varieties

Telemea cheese comes in various forms, each with its own distinct characteristics. Here are some popular varieties of Telemea cheese:

Telemea Cheese Variety Type of Milk Flavor Profile
Sheep Milk Telemea Sheep milk Rich and tangy
Cow Milk Telemea Cow milk Creamy and mild
Goat Milk Telemea Goat milk Distinct and slightly earthy
Buffalo Milk Telemea Buffalo milk Velvety and buttery

Each variety of Telemea cheese offers a unique taste experience, allowing you to explore different flavor profiles and find your personal favorite.

Telemea Cheese

Immerse yourself in the culinary wonders of Telemea cheese and discover why it holds a special place in the hearts and palates of Romanians. Whether you enjoy it on its own, incorporate it into recipes, or pair it with other ingredients, Telemea cheese is sure to delight your taste buds and elevate your dining experience.

Branza de Burduf – A Unique Romanian Cheese

When it comes to traditional Romanian cheeses, Branza de Burduf stands out as a unique culinary gem. Made from unpasteurized sheep’s milk, this aged cheese is a testament to the rich cheese-making heritage of Romania. What sets Branza de Burduf apart is its production process, where it is aged inside the animal’s stomach or tubes made from fir bark. This unique aging method imparts a distinctive woody and spicy aroma to the cheese, creating a flavor profile that is unmatched.

Branza de Burduf is characterized by its salty taste and creamy texture, making it a delight for cheese connoisseurs. To enjoy this exquisite cheese, it is typically scooped out from its packaging, allowing you to savor its creamy goodness. Produced mainly in Transylvania, Branza de Burduf is a pride of the region and an integral part of the traditional Romanian cuisine.

When it comes to cooking, Branza de Burduf is a versatile ingredient that adds depth and richness to various traditional Romanian recipes. Whether it’s the hearty polenta with cheese, the fluffy omelettes, or the delectable pies with cheese and spinach, Branza de Burduf brings an authentic touch and elevates the flavors to new heights.

Branza de Burduf Cheese

Benefits of Branza de Burduf Cheese:

Here are some of the key benefits of including Branza de Burduf in your diet:

  • Rich in nutrients: Branza de Burduf is made from high-quality unpasteurized sheep’s milk, which is a good source of essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamins.
  • Aged for flavor: The aging process gives Branza de Burduf its unique flavor profile, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate the complexity and depth of aged cheeses.
  • Authentic Romanian experience: By indulging in Branza de Burduf, you can experience the true essence of traditional Romanian cuisine and explore the flavors that have delighted generations.

Where to Buy Branza de Burduf Cheese:

If you’re looking to buy Branza de Burduf cheese, your best bet is to visit local farmers’ markets in Transylvania or specialty Romanian cheese shops. These sources offer a wide selection of authentic Romanian cheeses, including Branza de Burduf, that are produced by local artisans and guarantee an unparalleled taste experience.

Now that we’ve delved into the unique qualities of Branza de Burduf cheese, it’s time to explore another traditional Romanian cheese – Cascaval – in the next section.

Cascaval – The Romanian Aged Cheese

When it comes to Romanian cheese, Cascaval is a true gem. This aged cheese is a staple in Romanian cuisine, loved for its unique flavor and versatility. Made from cow or sheep milk, Cascaval is a semi-hard cheese with a smooth texture and a delightful nutty taste. It’s no wonder why it’s often compared to cheddar cheese, although Cascaval has its own distinctive profile.

Cascaval’s rich flavor and texture make it perfect for a variety of culinary creations. It is commonly used in Romanian cuisine to make fried cheese, a popular dish that showcases the cheese’s high melting point. Imagine biting into a crispy outer layer and being greeted by the gooey goodness of melted Cascaval in the center. It’s simply irresistible!

One interesting variation of Cascaval is the smoked variety. This local specialty is often braided and has a beautiful golden color. The smoking process adds an additional layer of complexity to the cheese’s flavor, making it even more tantalizing.

Why Try Cascaval?

If you’re a cheese enthusiast looking to expand your palate, Cascaval is a must-try. Its aged nature gives it a depth of flavor that’s hard to resist. Whether you enjoy it on its own, melted in a sandwich, or grated over your favorite pasta dish, Cascaval adds an unmistakable touch of excellence to any recipe.

“Cascaval is a delightful cheese that adds a unique twist to any dish. Its nutty flavor and smooth texture are simply addictive!” – Chef Marius Popescu

How to Enjoy Cascaval

Here are a few ideas on how to enjoy Cascaval:

  • Slice and enjoy it on a cheese board with fresh fruits and crackers.
  • Melt it on top of a juicy burger for an extra savory experience.
  • Add it to traditional Romanian dishes like polenta or mamaliga for an authentic taste.
  • Make a delicious grilled cheese sandwich using Cascaval as the star ingredient.
  • Shred it over your favorite pasta dishes for a cheesy delight.

A Comparison of Sheep Milk and Cow Milk Cascaval

Sheep Milk Cascaval Cow Milk Cascaval
A rich and creamy flavor A milder and slightly sweeter taste
A slightly tangy undertone A buttery and nutty undertone
Enhanced creaminess Smooth and velvety texture

The table provides a comparison between sheep milk Cascaval and cow milk Cascaval. While both varieties are delicious, they have distinct characteristics that cater to different preferences. Sheep milk Cascaval tends to have a richer flavor and creamier texture, while cow milk Cascaval offers a milder taste and a smoother, velvety texture.

So, whether you opt for sheep milk or cow milk Cascaval, you’re in for a treat!

Next, we’ll explore some other traditional Romanian cheeses that are worth discovering.

Other Traditional Romanian Cheeses

In addition to the well-known varieties of Telemea, Branza de Burduf, and Cascaval, Romanian cuisine offers a delightful array of other traditional cheeses. Each cheese has its own unique characteristics, appealing to diverse tastes and culinary preferences.

Cas cheese: Cas cheese is a young and soft cheese with a mild taste. Made from cow’s milk, it is known for its creamy texture and delicate flavor. Cas cheese is often enjoyed on its own, spread on bread, or used as a topping for traditional Romanian dishes.

Urda cheese: Urda is a fresh cheese that bears resemblance to Italian ricotta. Made from cow’s milk, it has a soft and crumbly texture. Urda is commonly used in traditional Romanian dessert fillings, adding a creamy and tangy element to dishes like cozonac (sweet bread) and sarailie (cheese pastry).

Branza de Vaci cheese: Also known as cottage cheese, Branza de Vaci is a dry and crumbly cheese. Made from cow’s milk, it has a milder taste compared to other Romanian cheeses. Branza de Vaci is a versatile ingredient in Romanian cuisine, used in various traditional desserts such as pancakes, strudels, and cheese-filled pastries.

These traditional Romanian cheeses, including Cas, Urda, and Branza de Vaci, showcase the country’s rich cheese-making heritage. Whether enjoyed on their own or incorporated into traditional recipes, they offer a delightful taste of Romania’s culinary traditions.

Selection of Traditional Romanian Cheeses:

Cheese Origin Flavor Texture
Telemea Romania Salty Crumbly
Branza de Burduf Transylvania, Romania Salty Creamy
Cascaval Romania Nutty Smooth
Cas Romania Mild Soft
Urda Romania Tangy Soft and crumbly
Branza de Vaci Romania Mild Dry and crumbly

Romanian cheeses

Where to Buy Romanian Cheese

If you want to try authentic Romanian cheese, you have several options to choose from. You can find Romanian cheese at specialized Romanian shops, Polish shops, and even some Turkish shops. These stores often have a selection of imported Romanian cheeses that you can purchase.

However, for the best experience and the widest variety, it is recommended to visit farmers markets in Romania. Farmers markets offer a unique opportunity to explore and taste a diverse range of local and artisanal cheeses. Here, you can find traditional Romanian cheeses such as Branza de Burduf, Telemea, and Cascaval, among others.

Visiting farmers markets not only allows you to support local producers but also gives you the chance to interact and learn from them directly. They can provide you with insights into the cheese-making process, share their favorite recipes, and recommend the best pairings for each cheese.

When visiting farmers markets, take your time to explore the different stalls and vendors. Take advantage of any free samples offered to discover new flavors and textures. You can also ask for recommendations based on your preferences or the specific dishes you plan to prepare with the cheese.

At the end of your visit, you can purchase your favorite Romanian cheeses directly from the farmers. Not only will you leave with a delicious selection of cheeses, but you will also have the satisfaction of supporting local agriculture and preserving traditional cheese-making practices.

Farmers Markets in Romania Locations
Bucharest Farmers’ Market Bucharest
Constanța Farmers’ Market Constanța
Cluj-Napoca Farmers’ Market Cluj-Napoca
Timișoara Farmers’ Market Timișoara

These are just a few examples of the many farmers markets in Romania where you can find Romanian cheese. Depending on your location, there may be other local farmers markets worth exploring as well. Keep in mind that the availability of specific cheeses may vary based on the season and the vendors present at each market.

By visiting farmers markets, you can embark on a culinary journey through the flavors of Romania and experience the authentic taste of Romanian cheese. So, plan your trip to a farmers market and indulge in the delightful world of Romanian cheese!


Brânză de Burduf Cheese is a true culinary delight that represents the rich cheese-making tradition of Romania. This traditional Romanian cheese, along with other varieties like Telemea and Cascaval, offers a unique gourmet experience for cheese lovers. Whether you enjoy it on its own, in traditional Romanian recipes, or paired with other ingredients, Brânză de Burduf Cheese is sure to delight your taste buds and introduce you to the authentic flavors of Romanian cuisine. Explore the world of Romanian cheeses and discover the rich and diverse offerings of this traditional culinary treasure.

Indulging in Brânză de Burduf Cheese is a journey into the heart of Romanian gastronomy. This exquisite cheese, crafted with passion and expertise, showcases the artisanal skills and time-honored traditions of Romanian cheese-making. Every bite of this traditional Romanian cheese is a testament to the country’s dedication to producing high-quality, flavorful dairy products.

Whether you are a cheese connoisseur seeking new taste experiences or simply looking to expand your culinary horizons, Brânză de Burduf Cheese promises to deliver a gourmet adventure. With its complex flavors, creamy texture, and distinctive aroma, this cheese is the epitome of a traditional Romanian culinary delight. It invites you to savor the authentic taste of Romania and embark on a gastronomic journey like no other.


What is Brânză de Burduf Cheese?

Brânză de Burduf Cheese is a traditional Romanian cheese made from unpasteurized sheep’s milk and aged inside the animal’s stomach or tubes made from fir bark. It has a salty taste and a creamy texture.

What are the popular traditional Romanian cheeses?

Some popular traditional Romanian cheeses include Telemea, Branza de Burduf, Cascaval, Cas, Urda, and Branza de Vaci. Each cheese has its own unique characteristics, flavor profiles, and culinary uses.

What is Telemea Cheese?

Telemea Cheese is a popular Romanian cheese made from different types of milk, including sheep, cow, goat, and buffalo. It has a salty taste and a crumbly texture, similar to feta cheese. Telemea is commonly used in traditional Romanian recipes, such as cheese pies and pancakes with cheese and dill.

What is Branza de Burduf?

Branza de Burduf is a unique Romanian cheese made from unpasteurized sheep’s milk. It is aged inside the animal’s stomach or tubes made from fir bark, which gives it a woody and spicy aroma. It has a salty taste and a creamy texture. Branza de Burduf is primarily produced in Transylvania and used in various traditional Romanian recipes.

What is Cascaval Cheese?

Cascaval is a Romanian aged cheese made from cow or sheep milk. It is semi-hard with a smooth texture and a nutty taste. Cascaval is often used in Romanian cuisine to make fried cheese, as it has a high melting point. Smoked cascaval is a local specialty and is often braided with a golden color.

What are other traditional Romanian cheeses?

Other traditional Romanian cheeses include Cas cheese, Urda cheese, and Branza de Vaci cheese. Cas cheese is very young and soft with a mild taste. Urda cheese is a fresh cheese similar to Italian ricotta and used in traditional Romanian dessert fillings. Branza de Vaci, also known as cottage cheese, is a dry and crumbly cheese used in many Romanian traditional desserts.

Where can I buy Romanian cheese?

Romanian cheese can be found in Romanian or Polish shops, and some Turkish shops. However, the best place to buy Romanian cheese is at farmers markets in Romania. These markets offer a wide variety of local and artisanal cheeses, including Branza de Burduf, Telemea, and Cascaval, providing an opportunity to experience the authentic flavors of Romanian cheese and support local producers.

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